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来自New Yorker的托福写作素材!

美国高中网 www.mggzw.com   2016-08-16

  托福题目准备:Describe a famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Please include details and examples to support your response.

  Describe your role model. Why do you admire him/her and what you have learned from him/her.

  What personal quality do you admire most, creativity, courage or intelligence? Please give reasons with details and examples to support your idea.(无论你回答任何一个,Zaha都有)

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities are good models for young people. Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.(Zaha可以算得上是一位好的榜样)


  哥哥,和Zaha Hadid



  这一天,The New Yorker写专稿纪念她:“I have never known anyone whose reputation provoked more terror yet whose actual presence was more fun than Dame Zaha Hadid’s. ”


  The star architect Zaha Hadid died in Miami on Thursday, at the age of sixty-five.这位明星建筑师Zaha Hadid于本周四,在美国迈阿密因突发心脏病辞世,享年65岁I have never known anyone whose reputation provoked more terror yet whose actual presence was more fun than Dame Zaha Hadid's.

  Zaha Hadid :就是这样一个传奇的存在,一个矛盾共同体。



  1. provoked 激起
  2. terror 恐惧
  3. I have never known anyone whose reputation provoked more terror 因为哈迪德对工作和下属的严苛在业界很出名,有人称她为“女魔头”,相信大家都看过一部电影叫《时尚女魔头》,Zaha也是这种事业女性】

actual presence【真实的存在】

  There have always been difficult personalities in architecture. The profession itself seems calculated to make one egotistical and intractable. But it always amazed me that Hadid had somehow attracted a singular reputation for being difficult to deal with. Compared with other prominent architects, no one was more down to earth, more exuberantly real, than her.




  1. There have always been difficult personalities in architecture 建筑界不乏难搞的人。【当我们想说:有一些人真的很难相处的时候,就可以用这个词来形容他们:difficult people It is really hard to (deal with) some (difficult people). 很难和这种难搞的人相处】


  1. The profession itself 建筑师这个职业本身【反身代词表强调】
  2. egotistical 自负的 someone who is egotistical likes to talk about how great and important they think they are(自负,自命不凡) 请注意区分这个词和egocentric(以自我为中心的,自私自利的 = self-centered)- Pt私以为,有才华的人都会多少有一些自负
  3. intractable 难对付的
  4. But it always amazed【这里都用过去时了,因为……上帝可能也想要重新设计一下天堂了】
  5. somehow 以某种方式/在某种程度上
  6. attracted a singular reputation for being difficult to deal with 被冠以一个奇特的“难搞”的名声。【这里的singular是一个非常文学的用词,不是我们通常所熟知的“单数的”这个意思,而是“奇异的” = very unusual or strange /literary/ 之前,Pt也怀疑,它会不会是“非凡的”这层含义 = very great or very noticeable /formal/但考虑到,毕竟reputation for being difficult to deal with怎么说也不算是一件好事,所以我认为,最确切的解读应该是“奇异的”。由此词,我们也不难看出New Yorker的文风真的就是:非常文绉绉~】
  7. Compared with other prominent architects【请注意,是Compared而不是Comparing,而且通常我们都用with而不用to】
  8. prominent 杰出的,重要的,著名的
  9. no one was more down to earth 脚踏实地
  10. exuberantly 精力充沛

  On the occasions that we spent together when I was working on my 2009 Profile and then, more recently, at a 2015 New Yorker Festival event, I was struck anew by the warmth and humanity that this supposed harridan radiated. The scary starchitect of popular imagination was just that, a fiction. Why was it necessary? Why did every second article attach “diva” to her name? Isn’t every architect a diva?她是建筑女巫,她是建筑界的天后


  1. I was struck anewby the warmth and humanity that this supposed harridan radiated 我又再一次被这所谓的“悍妇”所带来的温暖和博爱所打动【anewby = 重新,再。这是一个十分正式的书面用语,它是一个副词,可用于替代again
  2. starchitect 明星建筑师【这其实是一个合成词,是star + architect,然后把后一个词的ar给去除了。有很多这样构成的英文潮词,这就像我们国人讲的“然并卵, 城会玩,人艰不拆”的构词法】

如“textovert (text + extrovert)(只会短信撩妹的宅男们)Textovert


  1. “diva” 天后【这个词原意是“著名女歌唱家”,其实,最确切的翻译就是“天后”,Hadid在建筑界已经被称为了“天后”,也很像时尚圈Gisele Bundchen = 天神】

  Truly, it was because Hadid was a woman who had dared to enter a man’s world, and took no shit from anybody, though plenty was offered. She had to be twice as smart and three times as tough as her male counterparts in order to get anything built. And even then she struggled for years to realize her projects, and was forced to endure cruel and humiliating referendums on such thwarted projects as the Cardiff Bay Opera House, or the ongoing Olympic-stadium debacle in Tokyo, in which the government blocked Hadid’s competition-winning design from going forward after protests from prominent Japanese architects.



  1. Truly, it was because Hadid was a woman who had dared to enter a man’s world 在男性一统天下的建筑业,哈迪德能够取得如此辉煌的成就,凭的全是自己多年的不懈努力。成功的道路从来都不是一帆风顺。哈迪德也遭受过很多重大挫折。哈迪德获得世人认可之路,是“英雄式的奋斗历程”。2004年度普里茨克建筑奖(Pritzker Architecture Prize)第一次被授予一位女建筑师:扎哈·哈迪德
  2. took no shit from anybody【take shit from sb指受某人的气.。指在任何地方都不愿意受任何人的气――钢铁女战士,Pt觉得比较贴切的翻译就是“休想在太岁头上动土”】, though plenty was offered.
  3. She had to be twice as smart and three times as tough as her male counterpartsin order to get anything built。为了实现任何一个梦想,她都需要付出比其他男性建筑师多很多倍的努力。这种性别歧视和不平等其实充斥在这个行业中,也充斥在我们每个人的生活中:和她有着相似性格的男建筑师却不被认为反常;到60岁没结过婚的男建筑师还被认为是“钻石王老五”,有着同样经历的哈迪德却被视作“爱神也会吓跑的女魔头”。
  4. counterparts 竞争对手
  5. she struggled for years to realize her projects【struggle for years】
  6. and was forced to endure【be forced to do sth.被迫做某事, endure = 忍受】
  7. cruel 残忍的
  8. humiliating 羞辱的
  9. referendums 全民投票,全民公决
  10. on such thwarted projects【 thwarted这又是一个非常正式的词,一般只会被文人用作书面语。意思是“阻挠,阻碍”,一般我们会用词是“stop, hinder, impede”】
  11. Cardiff Bay Opera House【加的夫歌剧院】

  1. the ongoing Olympic-stadium debacle in Tokyo【最近,她还刚刚获得了东京奥运会】

  2. the government blocked【封锁】 Hadid’s competition-winning【赢得了比赛的】 design from going forward after protests from prominent Japanese architects【日本政府为了保护本国的建筑师,而从中作梗,给Hadid使绊子】.

  In later years, developing cities were eager to offer her prize commissions, but in the U.K., her adopted country, she was never fully embraced. In the U.S., as well, her work is scarce, and while New Yorkers can at least be thankful that one Hadid work will be completed―her eleven-story luxury condo building, on West Twenty-eighth Street―this morning’s sad news leaves one filled with regret that this city didn’t embrace her genius sooner. Perhaps it is fitting that the only city in the Western Hemisphere to commission a Hadid skyscraper, Miami, was the place where she died of a heart attack this morning. The building will stand as her monument.




  1. In later years, developing cities were eager to【be eager to do sth.渴望做某事】 offer her prize commissions, but in the U.K., her adopted country【因为Hadid是伊拉克裔英国女建筑师,所以UK算是her adopted country】这几年,有越来越多的城市向她偷来橄榄枝,但在英国,几乎可以算是她母国的地方,她却从未被完全接受 she was never fully embraced】
  2. In the U.S, as well 在美国,也是如此
  3. her work is scarce在美国,几乎看不到她的建筑作品
  4. and while New Yorkers can at least【至少】 be thankful【对……表示感激】 that one Hadid work【当“work”当“作品”讲的时候,是一个可数名词,所以前面有one】 will be completed―her eleven-story luxury condo building【11层豪华公寓大楼】
  5. on West Twenty-eighth Street【这件唯一的,Zaha留给纽约人的作品位于520 West 28th Street,在纽约的朋友们,可以去看一下】
  6. ―this morning’s sad news leaves one filled with regret 【leave sb./one filled with regret让某人/某地充满了悔恨】
  7. that this city didn’t embrace her genius sooner纽约人民为自己没有早一点接纳这位天才建筑师而感到悔恨
  8. Perhaps【表示可能性的时候,perhaps要比maybe正式一些】
  9. it is fitting that【这是恰当的。这里是一个形式主语,that引导的主语从句才是真正的主语】
  10. the only city in the Western Hemisphere【西半球,西方世界】 to commission【这个词的名词形式,大家可能会更加熟悉一些,意思是“佣金”。但在这里,因为接在to后边,显然,to do 不定式,这是一个动词原形,其意思是“正式委托(谱写或制作、创作、完成)”】 a Hadid skyscraper【摩天大楼】, Miami, was the place where she died of a heart attack【die of a heart attack 因突发心脏病而逝世】 this morning.
  11. The building will stand as her monument 这幢建筑就是她的纪念碑

  Yes, I am a feminist, because I see all women as smart, gifted and tough.――Zaha Handid




(更多资料请访问“亦鸥网 ”http://www.yeeaoo.com/)

王乐天 Cathy Wang




Skype: zhuzhukele2014




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