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美国高中网 www.mggzw.com   2016-08-19


Commonly confused words

Source: Oxford Dictionary

  Take a look at these two sentences � one of them contains a mistake:I poured over book after book.We pored over the catalogues.* 其实pore over才是钻研的意思,而pour over,额……你这是要浇书啊!这就是因为porepour太像啦!发音也完全一样!Are you uncertain which one is right? There are a lot of words in English thatlook or sound alike but have very different meanings.


  1. affect vs. effect

  affect: 动词,改变to change or make a difference to

  effect: 名词,影响a result; to bring about a result这个连主页君在亦鸥点评时都遇过,真的超高频!

  2. aloud vs. allowed

  aloud: 副词,用作状语out loud

  * 形容人声很吵闹的时候,不用aloud,而用loudly: He speaks loudly.

  allowed: 动词过去分词,可以用作定语permitted

  3. appraise vs. apprise

  appraise: 评估to assess/ evaluate

  apprise: 通知,告知to inform someone

  *appreciate 欣赏不要以为拼错了就可以轻易地一走了之~

  4. aural vs. oral

  aural: 听觉的relating to the ears or hearing

  oral: 口头的relating to the mouth; spoken

  5. bare vs. bear

  bare: 裸露的naked; to uncover

  bear: 承受,忍受to carry; to put up with发音真的完全一样!

  6. complement vs. compliment

  complement: 补充,使完美to add to so as to improve; an addition that improves something

  compliment: 赞美to praise or express approval; an admiring remark一字之差!

  7. currant vs. current

  currant: 葡萄干!a dried grape

  current: 现行的,水流/气流/电流happening now; a flow of water, air, or electricity不要以为拼错了考官也不会误会,真有这词儿!

  8. desert vs. dessert

  desert: 荒漠,不毛之地a waterless, empty area; to abandon someone

  dessert: 甜品the sweet course of a meal写这个的时候,你是不是饿啦~

  9. disinterested vs. uninterested

  disinterested: 客观的,公正的impartial

  uninterested: 不感兴趣的not interested


  10. ensure vs. insure

  ensure: 确保to make certain that something will happen

  insure: 投保to provide compensation if a person dies or property is damaged

  11. forbear vs. forebear

  forbear: 克制to refrain

  forebear: 祖先an ancestor


  1) for bear = 为了忍受(抖M在克制!)

  2) fore前面的,比如forehead不就是前额嘛~bear,不然你以为born的动词原形怎么拼?所以forebear = 我们其面生的,那不就是祖先嘛!

  12. loose vs. lose

  loose: 松开,释放to unfasten; to set free

  lose: 失去,丢失to be deprived of; to be unable to find



  13. pour vs. pore

  pour: 倾倒to flow or cause to flow

  pore: 孔,钻研a tiny opening; to study something closely


  14. principal vs. principle

  principal: 最重要的,校长most important; the head of a school

  principle: 原则a fundamental rule or belief

  主页君发现,这些意思居然可以连一句话:校长的原则是最重要的。The principle of the principal is the most principal. 突然就有了种上海话他竟然说他傻的赶脚!

  15. storey vs. story

  storey: 台阶a level of a building

  story: 故事a tale or account


  好啦~ 今天的易混淆单词盘点就到这里啦!就问你一句:都记清楚了没?!有木有冲动,今晚再多背几个单词再睡?来来来,关注亦鸥托福微信公众号,回复单词,亦鸥独家推荐的托福单词资料统统交给你!不可以偷懒哦!






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