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圣安德鲁中学 男女混校

St. Andrew's School   

St. Andrew’s School 圣安德鲁斯中学,创立于1929年,距离美国首府华盛顿、纽约市和费城都很近,是一所男女合校的寄宿中学。学校宗旨是为学生提供高水平的中学教育,开创先进的教育环境。学校的教学理念是培养学生强烈的求知欲,勇于提出新问题的质疑精神,视自由为智慧的源泉,具有坚强与韧性,并对未来充满希望。学校鼓励学生向那些成功的学者、艺术家、科学家学习,挖掘自身的潜力。学校同时注重培养学生的公正意识和和平观念。学生和教职员工居住在一个以基督教为背景的社区中。他们积极参加各种社区的活动,相互交流,发展自己的领导才能和个性潜力。学校鼓励学生多多参加社区活动,让他们有互助意识及团队精神。培养学生热爱自然,热爱社会,热爱生活的意识。学校拥有20座加勒比海风格的建筑,给人以小校园般融洽和谐的教育氛围。在过去两年间学校投入了1800万美元用于校区的翻建,包括增添了一个最新型的自然科学中心,一个体育运动及水上运动中心,一个艺术表演中心。 更多: St. Andrew's is a community of highly engaged students and teachers all living together on a spectacular 2,200-acre campus. Fully committed to our rigorous academic program, our students are dynamic, actively exploring their passions in athletics, the arts and service—both to humanity and to the environment. This close community is characterized by high expectations, trust, kindness and compassion. St. Andrew's values diversity. Over 40 percent of students receive over $4.5 million in financial aid. Students from all backgrounds bring their interests and passions—emerging as engaged and responsible citizens of the world.

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 9-12年级 | 299 名学生
教学师资: 1:1 的师生比例 | 84% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 特拉华州 (Delaware) | 华盛顿 (Washington)
学校网站: http://www.standrews-de.org 每年费用: 寄宿 :$53,500      走读 :$1,000
  • 详细介绍
  • Tad graduated from Williams College in 1979 and joined the faculty at St. Andrew's School as an English teacher, dorm parent and coach of soccer, basketball and tennis. Tad has coached state championship teams in both boys soccer and boys tennis. At St. Andrew's, Tad served as dean of students and assistant headmaster for academic affairs from 1991 to 1997. In July 1997, Tad began work as the School's fourth headmaster.

    —— 学校校长:Daniel T. Roach, Jr.

  • Louisa first came to St. Andrew’s as a student during the early years of coeducation. She earned varsity letters in crew and field hockey, and served on the Discipline Committee, as vice president of her senior class and as a residential leader. Graduating cum laude in 1978, Louisa also won the Crew Prize, the St. Andrew’s Cross and the Malcolm Ford awards for service, leadership and school spirit.

    —— 招办主任:Louisa Zendt


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 特拉华州 (Delaware) 临近城市: 华盛顿 (Washington)
具体地址:350 Noxontown Road, Middletown, DE 19709校园大小: 2,200英亩
成立时间:1,929年 宗教信仰: 新教圣公会 (Episcopal)


年级提供:9-12年级学生人数: 299
学生来自州数:N/A学生来自国家数: 16
每班人数:12寄宿人数: N/A
国际学生: 14% 有色人种: 45%

师生比例:1:1教师高级学位: 84%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):53,500每年走读费用($): 1,000
捐赠数额($):170000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:01/15(月/日)SSAT平均成绩: 83%
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:26%托福送分代码: 8146
SSAT送分代码:6280ISEE送分代码: N/A


The School requires the following yearlong course credits for graduation: four credits in English; four credits in mathematics; two credits in history, including one in United States history; three credits in a laboratory science; two credits or through the third level, whichever is more advanced, of the same classical or modern language (at least three consecutive year credits is strongly recommended). Students must also take a half-credit course in Health and Wellness in the IV Form year, religious studies courses in the IV and VI Forms, and must participate in a curricular or co-curricular aspect of the arts program before graduation. The minimum course load for the various forms within the School is as follows:  III Form:  Five one-credit courses  Introduction to the Arts IV Form: five one-credit courses, including History and Literature of Religious Thought: The Abrahamic Tradition Health and Wellness V Form              five one-credit courses VI Form four one-credit courses Philosophy / Religious Studies elective  Petitions for exceptions to the above requirements may be made to the Academic Committee. 了解更多:http://www.standrews-de.org/academics/details-requirements/index.aspx


The School reports numerical grades: 85 or above represents honors work, 60 is passing, and below 60, failing. The School sends reports home in November, February and April. In October and March, each student’s advisor writes a letter noting the student’s mid-term performance. In June, the student’s advisor writes a complete review that accompanies final grades and teacher comments. The Academic Dean and academic advisors may also write letters in special instances. 了解更多: http://www.standrews-de.org/academics/details-requirements/index.aspx 


Senior Tutorial Program:Sixth Form students with a demonstrated commitment to independent work have the option of taking a spring tutorial. These reading- and writing-intensive courses are specially designed by faculty in a range of disciplines for three students or fewer. Tutorials meet less frequently than regular seminar classes, but students read more and write weekly essays, which they then read aloud and critique with their teachers and classmates in the spirit of the Oxford tutorial method. Students taking tutorials have a degree of independence that more closely approximates the collegiate experience, as they sharpen skills of research, written and oral argumentation and problem-solving. Tutorials also allow students to pursue their own academic and artistic interests and to demonstrate, through their weekly essays, their mastery of a given field. Most important, they offer students a culminating academic experience and a final opportunity to work intimately with a teacher and mentor on the faculty. More than 20 tutorials are offered each year. http://www.standrews-de.org/academics/senior-tutorial-program/index.aspx


宿舍数量 10个(5个女生宿舍,5个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Game Room Laundry Facilities Lounge Vending Machines


传真: 302.378.7120





学校 :

热门查询:库欣高中 雅典娜高中 圣玛丽女子高中


圣安德鲁中学-St. Andrew's School

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Archmere Academy,  提供9-12年级(503名学生), 成立于1,932年 ,位于Philadelphia.

塔山中学-Tower Hill School

Tower Hill School,  提供9-12年级(735名学生), 成立于1,919年 ,位于Albuquerque.

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The Tatnall School ,  提供9-12年级(598名学生), 成立于1,930年 ,位于Albuquerque.

桑福德学校-Sanford School

Sanford School,  提供K-12年级(578名学生), 成立于1,930年 ,位于Albuquerque.


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