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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的舞蹈表演

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的校园

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的演讲

  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School-诗德伯翰中学-Stoneleigh-Burnham School的音乐演奏

    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的音乐演奏

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的运动场

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的运动员

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School的足球比赛

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School马术练习

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    Stoneleigh-Burnham School院校参访与在校学生

  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School-诗德伯翰中学-Stoneleigh-Burnham School正在答题的学生

    Stoneleigh-Burnham School正在答题的学生

诗德伯翰中学 女校

Stoneleigh-Burnham School   

诗德伯翰中学-Logo,Stoneleigh-Burnham School-logo

Stoneleigh-Burnham School,创建于1869年,位于美国马塞诸萨州,拥有上百年的历史,是一所全日制和寄宿的女子高中,为学生提供 7-12年级的课程。学校教育女生追求荣誉,学会相互尊重,培养学生的求知欲,开发学生的潜力,增加学生的自信,让学生拥有独立思考的能力,学校在科学、辩论、艺术领域有国家承认的课程,同时提供大学预科课程和大学选修课程,并设有奖学金。学校位于人口约35,000的秀丽的格林菲尔德小镇上,距波士顿 1.5 小时左右。小镇上还有许多其他的教育机构、学院、大学和预科。Stoneleigh-Burnham School inspires and supports girls in grades 7-12 to expand their sense of the possible and fosters growth of integrity and character while advancing the academic potential of each girl. Academic, artistic and athletic programs foster the moral and spiritual virtue (honesty, respect, and service to others) of our diverse community. Multi-talented students with multiple capabilities and ambitions are engaged in a challenging curriculum. Commitment to community, experience in leadership and empowerment, respect for intellect, and appreciation of diversity define the SBS graduate.

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 女校 年级人数: 7-12,PG年级 | 157 名学生
教学师资: 1:5 的师生比例 | 75% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 马萨诸塞州 (Massachusetts) | 波士顿市 (Boston)
学校网站: http://www.sbschool.org 每年费用: 寄宿 :$51,892      走读 :$30,947
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的马术
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的舞蹈表演
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的校园
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的演讲
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的音乐演奏
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的运动场
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的运动员
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School的足球比赛
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School马术练习
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School院校参访1
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  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School院校参访7
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School院校参访与在校学生
  • Stoneleigh-Burnham School正在答题的学生
  • 详细介绍
  • Welcome to Stoneleigh-Burnham! This is a place where you feel at home as soon as you drive up our long, tree-lined drive. At least that’s how I felt as a thirteen year-old coming to the school for my first time; I knew immediately that this was where I wanted to live, study and make life-long friends. Now as the first alumna to lead the school, I recognize how many girls feel that same way when they come for their first visit to SBS. Stoneleigh-Burnham students represent a broad spectrum of girls from all over the world – the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Latin and South America, and Asia. Our small size and the community’s international flavor facilitate our appreciation of cultural differences and similarities. We are proud of the diversity of student body here.

    —— 学校校长:Sally L. Mixsell ’69


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 女校
所在州: 马萨诸塞州 (Massachusetts) 临近城市: 波士顿市 (Boston)
具体地址:574 Bernardston Road, Greenfield, MA 01301校园大小: 100英亩
成立时间:1,869年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:7-12,PG年级学生人数: 157
学生来自州数:16学生来自国家数: 20
每班人数:9寄宿人数: 70%
国际学生: 40% 有色人种: 17%

师生比例:1:5教师高级学位: 75%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):51,892每年走读费用($): 30,947
捐赠数额($):2000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:02/15(月/日)SSAT平均成绩: 66%
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:60%托福送分代码: 8097
SSAT送分代码:7504ISEE送分代码: N/A




排球(Volleyball)          足球(Soccer)          垒球(Softball)          网球(Tennis)          长曲棍球(Lacrosse)          马术(Equestrian)          高尔夫(Golf)          花样滑冰(Figure Skating)          舞蹈(Dance)          高山滑雪(Alpine Skiing)          越野(Cross Country)          篮球(Basketball)          芭蕾(Ballet)         


We offer the following IB courses: English A Literature SL and HL; History: Europe and the Middle East, HL; French  and Spanish, SL and HL; Mandarin SL, HL and Ab Initio; Math SL, HL and Math Studies SL; Biology HL; Chemistry SL; Environmental Systems and Societies SL; Dance SL; Visual Arts SL and HL; Music (Solo and Group Performance options) SL and HL; Theory of Knowledge. In general, students are enrolled in five or more courses per term, including art. SBS operates on a trimester system. IB courses for IB credit entail two years of study. Students may take one year of an IB course for SBS credit. Please visit our website at www.sbschool.org for further details about course descriptions. All students participate in athletics every trimester, and so are scheduled from 8-5:30 most days, with clubs meeting at night, followed by evening study hall. Grading: Grading at Stoneleigh-Burnham follows a traditional A-F descending order pattern with the following numerical correspondents: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F Below 60, P: Pass, F: Fail. D- (60) is the lowest passing grade. Grades are unweighted. Stoneleigh-Burnham does not establish class rank.


100 acre campus Facilities include: Main Building with classrooms, library, dining hall, administrative offices, dormitory rooms; Jesser Science center; Emerson Hall with gymnasium, dance studio, fitness center, art gallery and classrooms; Equestrian Center with indoor (featuring GGT footings) and outdoor riding rings, heated viewing lounge, paddocks and barns; athletic fields




电话:413-774-2711 x 257





学校 :

热门查询:库欣高中 雅典娜高中 圣玛丽女子高中


库欣中学-Cushing Academy

Cushing Academy ,  提供9-12年级(400名学生), 成立于1,700年 ,位于Boston.

希尔赛德男子中学-Hillside School

Hillside School,  提供5-9年级(150名学生), 成立于1,901年 ,位于Boston.

胡桃山艺术中学-Walnut Hill School

Walnut Hill School,  提供9-12,PG年级(260名学生), 成立于1,893年 ,位于Boston.

伽文纳中学-The Governor's Academy

The Governor's Academy,  提供9-12年级(406名学生), 成立于1,763年 ,位于Boston.

菲尔中学-Fay School

Fay School,  提供7-9年级(475名学生), 成立于1,866年 ,位于Boston.

北野山中学-Northfield Mount Hermon School

Northfield Mount Hermon School,  提供9-12,PG年级(650名学生), 成立于1,879年 ,位于Boston.

马克杜菲高中-The MacDuffie School

The MacDuffie School,  提供6-12,PG年级(266名学生), 成立于1,890年 ,位于Boston.

巴克夏中学-Berkshire School

Berkshire School ,  提供9-12,PG年级(399名学生), 成立于1,907年 ,位于Boston.

菲利普安多弗中学-Phillips Academy Andover

Phillips Academy Andover,  提供9-12,PG年级(1,138名学生), 成立于1,778年 ,位于Boston.

布鲁克斯高中-Brooks School

Brooks School ,  提供9-12年级(380名学生), 成立于1,926年 ,位于Boston.


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* 目前教育程度 初中 高中
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