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首页 > 资讯 > 美国新增8个STEM专业!留学生毕业可留美三年!


美国高中网 www.mggzw.com   2023-07-27



OPT全称是Optional Practical Training,是指留学生在毕业后继续以F1学生签证身份在美国带薪实习,一般被认为是留学生在拿到H1B工作签证之前的过渡性签证。



1. Landscape Architecture 景观建筑

  • Geology and Hydrology

  • Soils, Groundcovers, and Horticultural elements

  • Project and Site Planning

  • Landscape Design, History, and Theory

  • Environmental Design

  • Applicable Law and Regulations

  • Professional Responsibilities and Standards

2.Institutional Research 机构研究

  • Data Analysis

  • Data-driven Decision-making

  • Data Mining

  • Higher Education Administration and Organization

  • Research Methods

  • Statistics

3. Mechatronics,Robotics,and Automation机电一体化、机器人与自动化工程技术

  • Computer and Software Engineering

  • Control Engineering

  • Electronic and Electrical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Robotics

4.Composite Materials Technology/Technician 复合材料技术/技术员

  • Computer-Aided Design and Drafting

  • Composite Materials and Processes

  • Composite Maintenance

  • Composite Manufacturing

  • Composite Repair

  • Material Science

  • Mold Manufacturing and Production

5.Linguistics and Computer Science 语言和计算机科学

  • Computer Programming

  • Human Languages

  • Linguistic Analysis

  • Logic

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Semantics

  • Machine Learning

  • Psycholinguistics

  • Software Engineering

  • Syntax

6.Developmental and Adolescent Psychology 发展心理学和青少年心理学

  • Cognitive and Perceptual Development

  • Emotional Development

  • Personality Development

  • The Effects of Biological Maturation on Behaviour

  • Theories of Cognitive Growth and Related Research Methods

  • Testing and Assessment Methods for Different Age Levels

  • Research on Child and Adolescent Behaviour Therapy

  • The Psychology of Aging

7. Geospatial Intelligence 地理空间情报

  • Aerial Photography Analysis

  • Cartography

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Physical Geography

  • Remote Sensing

  • Spatial Programming

  • Quantitative Methods in Geographic Research

8.Demography and Population Studies 人口学与人口研究

  • Population Growth

  • Spatial Distribution

  • Mortality and Fertility Factors

  • Migration

  • Dynamic Population Modeling

  • Population Estimation and Projection

  • Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Population Data

  • Population Policy Studies

  • Applications to Problems in Economics and Government Planning





  • 美国高中网 24小时咨询热线:86-13693116151

  • 微信:CathyWang2008



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