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  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的冰球比赛

    Kimball Union Academy的冰球比赛

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的滑雪运动

    Kimball Union Academy的滑雪运动

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的舞蹈表演

    Kimball Union Academy的舞蹈表演

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的雪景

    Kimball Union Academy的雪景

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的音乐演奏

    Kimball Union Academy的音乐演奏

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的长曲棍球比赛

    Kimball Union Academy的长曲棍球比赛

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy正在看书的学生

    Kimball Union Academy正在看书的学生

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy正在听课的学生

    Kimball Union Academy正在听课的学生

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy正在学习的学生

    Kimball Union Academy正在学习的学生

  • Kimball Union Academy -肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy的毕业去向

    Kimball Union Academy的毕业去向

肯博联盟中学 男女混校

Kimball Union Academy   

肯博联盟中学-Logo,Kimball Union Academy -logo

Kimball Union Academy创立于1813年,位于美国New Hampshire新罕布夏州,离波士顿大约2小时15分钟的路程,到哈特福德大约需要2小时45分钟,是一所历史悠久的男女合校的寄宿中学。学校的学术课程深深植根于其优良的文科传统,强调学习的深度和广度。学校希望学生透过学术、音乐、艺术、体育等领域来探索自我,发掘自身潜力。另外,学校也鼓励学生除了学术学习外,积极地投入艺术和体育领域,发展成为全方面发展的学生。学校的独立精神是培养坚强、自信自立、有团队合作精神的学生,学生要能关注世界,融入集体,积极上进,从而为进入社会作好充分的准备。该校离达特茅斯大学很近,有良好的文化艺术氛围,丰富的社团活动。这里的学习氛围也很浓郁,每个学生都是重要的一员。学校的独立精神引领着莘莘学子,在众多优秀上进学生的影响下,所有的学生都将养成良好的生活和学习习惯,知道如何与人相处,如何思考和工作,如何面对社会乃至世界。这里的学生都有明确的目标和成功意识。Founded in 1813, Kimball Union Academy is a coeducational boarding and day school serving 300 students in grades 9-12 and a postgraduate year. Kimball Union's unique location in the heart of the Upper Connecticut River Valley, and its proximity to Dartmouth College have long made it the preferred choice for students seeking an educational experience that develops the whole person as scholar, athlete, artist and global citizen. Our beautiful 1,300 acre campus includes state-of-the-art facilities and many opportunities to enjoy its pristine, rural, village setting.

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 9-12,PG年级 | 340 名学生
教学师资: 1:6 的师生比例 | 70% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 新罕布什尔州 (New Hampshire) | 波士顿市 (Boston)
学校网站: http://www.kua.org 每年费用: 寄宿 :$51,250      走读 :$31,050
  • Kimball Union Academy的冰球比赛
  • Kimball Union Academy的滑雪运动
  • Kimball Union Academy的舞蹈表演
  • Kimball Union Academy的雪景
  • Kimball Union Academy的音乐演奏
  • Kimball Union Academy的长曲棍球比赛
  • Kimball Union Academy正在看书的学生
  • Kimball Union Academy正在听课的学生
  • Kimball Union Academy正在学习的学生
  • 详细介绍
  • Welcome to the Kimball Union website. In addition to being a primary portal to our school for new families, kua.org and its many facets is one of the many avenues for our community to interact, express ourselves, and communicate our essential character. At Kimball Union, open communication and the healthy exchange of ideas are institutional and educational values of great importance. We are proud to share our unique school culture with our constituents, families, friends, and alumni all over the world.  The web pages are readily available and easily accessible to the broad community. As you navigate these pages, we invite you to explore our unique sense of place and purpose. We are proud to exhibit our vibrant learning community for all to see. Through a virtual experience on our web-pages, you too can share in the spirit of independence that has guided the Academy since our founding in 1813, sustains us in the exciting and evolving present, and prepares and leads us towards a bright

    —— 学校校长:Michael J. Schafer

  • Rich came to Kimball Union after serving as the director of admissions at Cardigan Mountain School. This is his second tour of duty at KUA, having worked on The Hilltop in the early ‘80s after his graduation from Dartmouth College. Rich is no stranger to independent school life. As a child, he was a "faculty brat" on the Tilton School campus, where his dad taught for 12 years. Rich then attended St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH. Rich lives in Lebanon, NH, with his wife, Michelle, and their two daughters, Elli and Hannah.

    —— 招办主任:Richard Ryerson


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 新罕布什尔州 (New Hampshire) 临近城市: 波士顿市 (Boston)
具体地址:57 Main Street, Meriden, NH 03770校园大小: 1,300英亩
成立时间:1,813年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:9-12,PG年级学生人数: 340
学生来自州数:N/A学生来自国家数: N/A
每班人数:12寄宿人数: 70%
国际学生: 22% 有色人种: 6%

师生比例:1:6教师高级学位: 70%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):51,250每年走读费用($): 31,050
捐赠数额($):23000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:01/15(月/日)SSAT平均成绩: 55%
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:58%托福送分代码: 8012
SSAT送分代码:4390ISEE送分代码: N/A


世界历史(World History)          美国历史(United States History)          艺术工坊 I(Studio Art I)          统计学(Statistics)          西班牙语(Spanish Language)          物理(Physics)          乐理(Music Theory)          法语(French Language)          多变量微积分(Multivariable Calculus )          拉丁语(Latin)          英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition)          英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition)          环境科学(Environmental Science)          欧洲历史(European History)          舞蹈(Dance)          中文(Chinese)          微积分BC(Calculus BC)          化学(Chemisrty)          艺术史(Art History)          生物学(Biology)          微积分AB(Calculus AB)         


网球(Tennis)          游泳(Swimming)          垒球(Softball)          足球(Soccer)          单板滑雪(Snowboarding)          英式橄榄球(Rugby)          北欧式滑雪(Nordic Skiing)          山地自行车(Mountain Biking)          高尔夫(Golf)          冰球(Ice Hockey)          室内足球(Indoor Soccer )          长曲棍球(Lacrosse)          陆上曲棍球(Field Hockey)          自由式滑雪(Freestyle Skiing)          马术(Equestrian)          舞蹈(Dance)          自行车(Cycling)          高山滑雪(Alpine Skiing)          棒球(Baseball)          越野(Cross Country)          篮球(Basketball)         


宿舍数量 9个(5个女生宿舍,4个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet









学校 :

热门查询:库欣高中 雅典娜高中 圣玛丽女子高中


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Phillips Exeter Academy,  提供9-12,PG年级(1,085名学生), 成立于1,781年 ,位于Boston.

都柏林中学-Dublin School

Dublin School ,  提供9-12年级(150名学生), 成立于1,935年 ,位于Boston.

布鲁斯特中学-Brewster Academy

Brewster Academy,  提供9-12年级(357名学生), 成立于1,820年 ,位于Boston.

新汉普顿中学- New Hampton School

New Hampton School,  提供9-12,PG年级(320名学生), 成立于1,821年 ,位于Portland.

白山高中-The White Mountain School

The White Mountain School,  提供9-12,PG年级(123名学生), 成立于1,886年 ,位于Boston.

体顿中学-Tilton School

Tilton School,  提供9-12,PG年级(235名学生), 成立于1,845年 ,位于Boston.

圣保罗中学-St. Paul's School

St. Paul's School ,  提供9-12年级(531名学生), 成立于1,856年 ,位于Boston.

普洛克特中学-Proctor Academy

Proctor Academy,  提供9-12,PG年级(360名学生), 成立于1,848年 ,位于Boston.

胡德尼斯中学-Holderness School

Holderness School ,  提供9-12,PG年级(280名学生), 成立于1,879年 ,位于Boston.

肯博联盟中学-Kimball Union Academy

Kimball Union Academy ,  提供9-12,PG年级(340名学生), 成立于1,813年 ,位于Boston.


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* 目前教育程度 初中 高中
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