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  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的舞蹈表演

    Concord Academy的舞蹈表演

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的唢呐演奏

    Concord Academy的唢呐演奏

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的手工制作

    Concord Academy的手工制作

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的篮球

    Concord Academy的篮球

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的表演

    Concord Academy的表演

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的话剧表演

    Concord Academy的话剧表演

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的科学研究

    Concord Academy的科学研究

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-Concord Academy的舞蹈训练

    Concord Academy的舞蹈训练

  • Concord Academy-康科德中学-男孩高山滑雪


康科德中学 男女混校

Concord Academy   

康科德中学-Logo,Concord Academy-logo

Concord Academy位于马萨诸塞州,是一所寄宿走读的全日制男女合校的著名私立中学,提供1-12年级课程及大学预备课程。学校成立于1922年,建立之初为女子学校,1971年男女合校。学校占地39英亩,优美校园,设备完善,离波士顿18英里,距剑桥市约30分钟,到logan国际机场大约1个半小时的车程。学校共有学生378名,其中国际学生比例为10%,分别来自18个国家和11个州。学校一直以其高质量的成绩,尊重学生人格独立,包容多元化的思想,激发学生创造力和乐于学习的精神而著称。 学校的目标是鼓励学生养成独立的学习习惯,培养他们的自信心和意志力,让学生在有关爱和富有挑战的环境中,发现并且发展自身的才能。 学校10公顷校园位于市郊,小型学校的设计注重学生个别的需求及多样性,提供高品质的、高要求的大学预备教育,教学成果良好,也提供优良的艺术、多元的体育与课外活动等。学校师资优秀且全力付出,共有教职工64人,87%教师有硕士以上学位。另外,学校采取小班制,平均12人一班,师生比为1:6,这样老师对学生可以全方位的照顾。。所在地康科德本身为历史大城,有博物馆、著名景点如瓦尔登湖、商圈等,邻近波士顿、剑桥等地区,及哈佛、MIT、新英格兰音乐学院等机构,丰富了本校的文化及教学资源。 The individuality, diversity, and quality of Concord Academy's faculty and student body make it an exceptional place to live and learn. Life at this boarding and day school is creative and inquisitive; the people are impassioned and involved. The school is academically demanding. Students participate in a range of artistic, athletic, and extracurricular activities. Large enough to offer 368 students a comprehensive program, it is small enough to provide a caring community. Set in an historic town near Boston, Concord Academy is a vibrant community enhanced by its culturally rich environment.

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 9-12年级 | 378 名学生
教学师资: 1:6 的师生比例 | 87% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 马萨诸塞州 (Massachusetts) | 波士顿市 (Boston)
学校网站: http://www.concordacademy.org 每年费用: 寄宿 :$54,240      走读 :$43,680
  • Concord Academy的舞蹈表演
  • Concord Academy的唢呐演奏
  • Concord Academy的手工制作
  • Concord Academy的篮球
  • Concord Academy的表演
  • Concord Academy的话剧表演
  • Concord Academy的科学研究
  • Concord Academy的舞蹈训练
  • 男孩高山滑雪
  • 详细介绍
  • A good class is a model of collaboration, a group of students (teacher included) who, by working together, learn about and from one another. Anyone who thinks success comes purely by individual effort is missing the essence of learning, which is an exchange of ideas and points of view. In every class one will find various ways of seeing a question or a problem or a text; for me, the subject has most often been literature or student essays. How my students respond to Macbeth, for instance, will vary depending on everything from their reading experience to their family background, but as a class we need all those points of view in order to get the fullest possible grasp of this complex character. Perhaps most important, I want my students to listen to one another, to understand that a discussion is a conversation, an exchange of opinions that does not lead to the answer, but is itself the dynamic—questions leading to new insights leading to more questions—by which students can learn to t

    —— 学校校长:Rick Hardy

  • Marie joined the CA community in 2004. Prior to entering the Office of Admissions in 2006, she served for two years as associate director of college counseling. In addition to her admissions responsibilities, Marie acts as the advisor to Umoja, CA’s African American student organization, and advises several CA students individually. Prior to her tenure at CA, Marie worked in the field of college admission in her native region of the Midwest and in Massachusetts. A house parent, she lives on-campus with her husband and children and enjoys reading good books and watching “bad” television.

    —— 招办主任:Marie Myers


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 马萨诸塞州 (Massachusetts) 临近城市: 波士顿市 (Boston)
具体地址:166 Main Street,Concord, MA 01742校园大小: 39英亩
成立时间:1,922年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:9-12年级学生人数: 378
学生来自州数:11学生来自国家数: 18
每班人数:12寄宿人数: 42%
国际学生: 10% 有色人种: 28%

师生比例:1:6教师高级学位: 87%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):54,240每年走读费用($): 43,680
捐赠数额($):56000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:01/15(月/日)SSAT平均成绩: 82%
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:28%托福送分代码: 2255
SSAT送分代码:2560ISEE送分代码: 220640


English 4 years History 2.5 years; specific levels and  geographic distribution Modern and Completion of a third-level course in  Classical Languages French, German, Latin, Mandarin, or  Spanish Science 2.5 years  Mathematics Geometry 2 and one course beyond  Algebra 2 Computer Studies Demonstrated proficiency Performing Arts, 10 credits, including 2 credits in Visual Arts each department Cocurricular 3 seasons each year for grades 9 –10; 2 seasons each year for grades 11–12 Health & Wellness Health and Wellness course in  grades 9–11 All students are expected to take a minimum of fourteen credits per semester with four major courses earning three credits each per semester. The maximum credit load is twenty credits per semester. In rare cases, a student is permitted to audit courses beyond the twenty-credit limit.


Major courses receive 3 credits per semester and entail three meetings per week plus outside preparation. Minor courses receive ½, 1, or 2 credits per semester and require proportionately less time in meetings and preparation. The minimum semester commitment is 14 credits with four majors. A moderate semester load is 16 or 17 credits, including four or five majors. The maximum semester commitment is 20 credits. Taking six majors requires permission of the Academic Dean. Grades are assigned on a scale of A+ to D–; a failing grade (E) receives no credit for the course. Grades are given only at the end of each semester. There is no published class ranking system, and no honors or prizes are awarded. At the midpoint and end of each semester, each teacher writes an evaluation of the student's work; copies are sent to the advisor and family. Only courses taken at Concord Academy after the freshman year are included in the student's grade-point average (GPA). Grades in courses taken for credit at other schools as part of semester or year programs are recorded on the Concord Academy transcript; however, grades earned at other schools are not included in the student's Concord Academy GPA. Concord Academy does not record the GPA on transcripts. 了解更多:http://www.concordacademy.org/academics/curriculum/credits-and-grades/index.aspx


美国历史(United States History)          统计学(Statistics)          物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism)          西班牙语(Spanish Language)          心理学(Psychology)          机械学(Mechanics)          微观经济学(Microeconomics)          乐理(Music Theory)          物理B(Physics B)          宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)          德语(German Language)          计算机科学A(Computer Science A)          英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition)          英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition)          法语(French Language)          微积分AB(Calculus AB)          生物学(Biology)          中文与文化(Chinese Language and Culture)          化学(Chemisrty)          微积分BC(Calculus BC)         


极限飞碟(Ultimate Frisbee)          田径(Track & Field)          网球(Tennis)          垒球(Softball)          壁球(Squash)          帆船(Sailing)          长曲棍球(Lacrosse)          高尔夫(Golf)          陆上曲棍球(Field Hockey)          舞蹈(Dance)          越野(Cross Country)          篮球(Basketball)          棒球(Baseball)          高山滑雪(Alpine Skiing)          摔跤(Wrestling)         


Senior Projects:Early in the fall, seniors have the opportunity to apply for senior projects for the final spring term of their Concord Academy careers. These full-credit major courses, designed and proposed by the students themselves and approved by a faculty committee, allow seniors to pursue independent courses of study with an interdisciplinary or experiential component. Projects from recent years include: proof of concept construction of a tactile drawing interface for the blind an exploration of staging in Samuel Beckett’s plays from a mathematical perspective a study of Boston Common through photography and essay historical study of Isadora Duncan through the lens of feminism and dance performance an analysis of redevelopment in post Katrina New Orleans, Louisiana exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the study of children’s literature and writing a children’s book history of Moorish-Spain through its geometry and Islamic influence a documentary about the construction of the Quabbin Reservoir comparing New England raw milk dairy farms and gathering information for designing a future dairy farm construction of an urban garden for a women’s shelter All projects include a member of the faculty as advisor, and may include an advisor off campus as well. http://www.concordacademy.org/academics/senior-projects/index.aspx


宿舍数量 6个(3个女生宿舍,3个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet




电话:(978) 402-2270
传真: (978) 402-2343





学校 :

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菲尔中学-Fay School

Fay School,  提供7-9年级(475名学生), 成立于1,866年 ,位于Boston.

北野山中学-Northfield Mount Hermon School

Northfield Mount Hermon School,  提供9-12,PG年级(650名学生), 成立于1,879年 ,位于Boston.

马克杜菲高中-The MacDuffie School

The MacDuffie School,  提供6-12,PG年级(266名学生), 成立于1,890年 ,位于Boston.

巴克夏中学-Berkshire School

Berkshire School ,  提供9-12,PG年级(399名学生), 成立于1,907年 ,位于Boston.

菲利普安多弗中学-Phillips Academy Andover

Phillips Academy Andover,  提供9-12,PG年级(1,138名学生), 成立于1,778年 ,位于Boston.

布鲁克斯高中-Brooks School

Brooks School ,  提供9-12年级(380名学生), 成立于1,926年 ,位于Boston.


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* 目前教育程度 初中 高中
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