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    Darlington School的教学楼

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    Darlington School的篮球比赛

  • Darlington School -达林顿中学-Darlington School的图书室

    Darlington School的图书室

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    Darlington School的校园全貌.

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    Darlington School的学习指导

  • Darlington School -达林顿中学-Darlington School的学校环境.

    Darlington School的学校环境.

  • Darlington School -达林顿中学-Darlington School的学校生活

    Darlington School的学校生活

  • Darlington School -达林顿中学-Darlington School的艺术课

    Darlington School的艺术课

  • Darlington School -达林顿中学-CollegeProfile


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    Darlington 毕业去向

达林顿中学 男女混校

Darlington School   

达林顿中学-Logo,Darlington School -logo

美国达林顿学校(Darlington School)位于乔治亚州、罗马市Roma,创立于1905年,是一间结合了日间部初等学校(幼儿班到 5 年级)、日间部中等学校(6年级到8年级)与日间部及寄宿高等学校(9年级到12年级)的男女合校制学院,同时也为大学的预备学校。 该校的前身为Joseph James Darlington school,于1905年由John Paul 与 Alice Allgood Cooper两人所创办,该校的办学目的在于训练学生贯彻其在学术上具有优秀表现的信念、勤奋努力并在此培养学生良好的品格,尽管该校历经许多体制上的变革,此信念却从未曾被改变。Darlington School达林顿学校的校区占地约 400 英亩,座落于乔治亚州罗马市瞭望山脉 (Lookout Mountain Range) 山脚下的一座小湖附近,它是一个医学中心和大学城,距离亚特兰大和田纳西州查特怒加约一小时的车程。 Darlington School达林顿学校,有4栋学术大楼。学校图书馆和Kawamura科学中心为学生提供大量学习场地。9.6万平方英尺的运动中心于2001年8月投入使用。快餐店白天开放。医疗室全天提供医疗服务。 学校包含来自全美15 个州、世界各地25 个国家的各种不同学生族群,学生在此不分你我,成为一个大家庭,共同在此学习。 达林顿学校(Darlington School)办校宗旨 让学生们接受到良好的教育并培养学生拥有责任感 培养学生具有批判性的思考能力、良好的沟通能力、体能及智能均衡发展 教导学生能明办是非对错、有勇气并坚持自己的信念、领导能力及荣誉感 让学生对于学习新知充满热情、具有诚实正直的品格、懂得尊重他人 更多:

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 9-12年级 | 789 名学生
教学师资: 1:1 的师生比例 | % 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 佐治亚州 (Georgia) | 亚特兰大 (Atlanta)
学校网站: http://www.darlingtonschool.org 每年费用: 寄宿 :$50,700      走读 :$19,000
  • Darlington School的操场
  • Darlington School的教学楼
  • Darlington School的篮球比赛
  • Darlington School的图书室
  • Darlington School的校园全貌.
  • Darlington School的学习指导
  • Darlington School的学校环境.
  • Darlington School的学校生活
  • Darlington School的艺术课
  • 详细介绍
  • Brent was named Darlington's 11th head of school in 2014. With two decades of experience in education, he holds a B.A. in History from the University of Richmond and an M.S. in Education from Virginia Commonwealth University. Prior to his work here, Brent was head of Upper School at Randolph School in Huntsville, Ala. He also served previously as assistant headmaster and dean of academic affairs at Woodberry Forest School in Woodberry Forest, Va., where he held the E. Craig Wall Family Mastership. He and his wife, Andrea, have three children, Charlie ('22), Jack ('24) and Brent ('26).

    —— 学校校长:Brent Bell

  • Derek joined Darlington’s admission staff in 2013 as associate director of admission and was named director of admission later the same year. He holds an M.S. from Miami University and a B.A. from Indiana University. Previously, he served as associate director of admission at Culver Academies and director of enrollment systems at Marian University. Derek enjoys running, hockey and spending time with his family. He lives on campus with his wife, Kim, and daughters, Kathleen (’22) and Elisabeth (’25).

    —— 招办主任:Derek Perkins


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 佐治亚州 (Georgia) 临近城市: 亚特兰大 (Atlanta)
具体地址:1014 Cave Spring Road, SW, Rome, GA 30161校园大小: 400英亩
成立时间:1,905年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:9-12年级学生人数: 789
学生来自州数:15学生来自国家数: 25
每班人数:11寄宿人数: 23%
国际学生: 10% 有色人种: 8%

师生比例:1:1教师高级学位: N/A
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):50,700每年走读费用($): 19,000
捐赠数额($):33000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:N/ASSAT平均成绩: N/A
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:70%托福送分代码: 5326
SSAT送分代码:2734ISEE送分代码: N/A


Darlington has one graduation award, the diploma, which carries  with it the School’s recommendation to college. The minimum  program of study leading to graduation includes 22 units, 19 of  which must be in the major academic subjects, as follows. English 4 units Fine Arts 1 unit Mathematics 3 units Electives 4 units Science 3 units Physical Education 2 units History 3 units Community Service 15 hrs/year World Language 3 units  The minimum mark credited toward graduation is 70, and no  student will be eligible for graduation who does not in his/her  final year pass all major subjects. 了解更多:http://www.darlingtonschool.org/academics/CollegeProfile.pdf 


Grading is numerical; letter grade equivalents and grade points  are as follows: A = 100-90 (Excellent) = 4.0 grade points B = 89-80 (Very Good) = 3.0 grade points C = 79-70 (Satisfactory) = 2.0 grade points F = Below 70 (Failing) = 0.0 grade points WP = Withdrawn from course with passing mark WF = Withdrawn from course with failing mark Honors and AP marks are weighted 5 points for grade-point  averages (GPA) and class rank. Course grades reported on  transcripts are unweighted. Class Rank All students are ranked, but class rank as an indicator for  predicting college performance should be reviewed with  caution, since all graduates go to college. Small differences in  grade-point averages can make significant differences in rank.  Class rank is determined by the numerical average of grades  for all subjects given number grades at the end of the year for  underclassmen; courses given letter grades are not included.  Rank is cumulative for the junior and senior years. Honors  and AP marks are weighted five points in the computation. 了解更多:http://www.darlingtonschool.org/academics/CollegeProfile.pdf 


美国历史(United States History)          世界历史(World History)          艺术工坊(Studio Art)          统计学(Statistics)          西班牙文学(Spanish Literature)          心理学(Psychology)          西班牙语(Spanish Language)          物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism)          物理B(Physics B)          乐理(Music Theory)          宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)          机械学(Mechanics)          欧洲历史(European History)          政府(Government )          环境科学(Environmental Science)          英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition)          英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition)          化学(Chemisrty)          微积分BC(Calculus BC)          微积分AB(Calculus AB)          生物学(Biology)         


Global Studies Program:As globalization becomes increasingly relevant in our daily lives, Darlington has designed a program that – through a broad range of academic coursework and unique international travel experiences – helps students become global citizens. Graduates of Darlington’s Global Studies Program will have acquired an understanding of world issues from different perspectives, a sense of their own roles as global citizens, and empathy with the problems facing the world community. Students may enroll in Darlington’s Global Studies Program their junior year. Those who meet all the requirements of the program by the end of their senior year will graduate with a Global Studies Certificate in addition to their Darlington diploma. http://www.darlingtonschool.org/academics/globalstudies.aspx


宿舍数量 6个(3个女生宿舍,3个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet Vending Machines





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Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School,  提供7-12年级(405名学生), 成立于1,903年 ,位于Atlanta.

达林顿中学-Darlington School

Darlington School ,  提供9-12年级(789名学生), 成立于1,905年 ,位于Atlanta.

塔卢拉弗中学-Tallulah Falls School

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Horizons School,  提供K-12,PG年级(90名学生), 成立于1,978年 ,位于Atlanta.

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Holy Spirit Preparatory School,  提供K-12年级(787名学生), 成立于1,996年 ,位于Atlanta.

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Mount Vernon Presbyterian School,  提供K-12年级(866名学生), 成立于1,972年 ,位于Atlanta.

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St.Andrew's School,  提供K-12年级(460名学生), 成立于1,947年 ,位于Atlanta.


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