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    Fountain Valley School of Colorado的笛子演奏

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    Fountain Valley School of Colorado的马术

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    Fountain Valley School of Colorado的提琴演奏

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    Fountain Valley School of Colorado的文艺表演

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    Fountain Valley School of Colorado的艺术课

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    CO-Fountain Valley School of Colorado罗拉多山泉中学介绍

科罗拉多喷泉谷高中 男女混校

Fountain Valley School of Colorado   

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Fountain Valley School of Colorado是一所位于科罗拉多州洛基山脉的新英格兰寄宿中学。美丽温和的自然气候让学生感到非常舒适。小班教学和舍监、辅导老师团队的帮助支持让每位学生都备受关注. 学校占地面积高达1100 英亩,其宏伟壮观的校区、出色的师资、优秀的学术课程和组织严密的社区,都彰显着一流学府的水准。才华横溢的教师为学生提供大学预科课程,学校每一门学科都有AP和荣誉课程,其他校园项目,如艺术、体育、户外教育、骑马等。学校投资1600万美元新建及翻新校园建筑.Fountain Valley School of Colorado(FVS)科罗拉多喷泉谷高中的资源优势还在于覆盖全校园的功能强大的校园网络,而艺术级的科技及艺术课程的配套设备无一不让校园更为闪亮。 学校已经有70多年的历史了,学校环境优美、设施华丽,办公区招生处甚至学生宿舍内部都是古董家具或仿古董家具,校园增添新建筑新家具都保持了老式风格,学生有教学楼、体育馆、学生活动中心、足球场、图书馆、食堂、艺术中心、剧院、宿舍楼、健康中心、科学实验室、电脑室、学校有自己的室内健身房、游泳馆和各种室外运动场,学校有自己的马房,养着多达40头马供学生学马术,学生有两种骑马课可以选,西式马术和英式马术,冬天学校组织滑雪等。学校还有很多的校外活动来锻炼学生的综合能力。 科罗拉多喷泉谷学校成立于1930年,是一所男女合校的私立走读寄宿高中,招收9到12年级的学生。学校的使命是努力培养学生对学习的热情,帮助他们成为开放、好奇、勇敢、自立、有同情心的社会人才。学校提供出色的教学课程、体育课程、和课外课程,培养学生各个方面的发展。学校每一门学科都有大学先修课程和荣誉课程,课外项目包括艺术、体育、户外教育、骑马等。学校利用其靠近山区的地理环境开发出很多独特的课外课程,学生可以边欣赏壮观的诺基山脉风景,边学习体验西部风土人情。学校宏伟壮观的校区、出色的师资、优秀的学术课程和组织严密的社区,都彰显着一流学府的水准。学校投资1500万美元新建及翻新校园建筑,学校的资源优势还在于覆盖全校园的功能强大的校园网络,科技及艺术课程的配套设备一流。美丽温和的自然气候也让学生感到非常舒适。小班教学和舍监、辅导老师团队的帮助支持让每位学生都备受关注。 A magnificent 1,100-acre campus, an accomplished faculty, a rigorous college-preparatory program, and a close-knit community dedicated to the highest standards of achievement define Fountain Valley School. FVS offers AP and honors courses in every discipline, and outstanding programs in the arts, athletics, outdoor education and horseback riding. Beautiful residence halls, a campus-wide technology network, and state-of-the-art science and art facilities highlight resources. Recent additions include an indoor riding arena, remodeled dining room, new strength and conditioning room, and an outdoor track. 

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 9-12年级 | 244 名学生
教学师资: 1:5 的师生比例 | 90% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 科罗拉多州 (Colorado) | 丹佛市 (Denver)
学校网站: http://www.fvs.edu 每年费用: 寄宿 :$55,000      走读 :$26,400
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的笛子演奏
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的建筑
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的篮球赛
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的马术
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的排球运动员
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的提琴演奏
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的文艺表演
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的艺术课
  • Fountain Valley School of Colorado的艺术品
  • 详细介绍
  • As you and your family explore Fountain Valley School, you will discover an educational community that is both traditional and progressive, that takes full advantage of its location in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and yet embraces a global perspective. Most importantly, you will discover a community of adults and students who live, work, and learn by the core values identified by our first headmaster, Francis Froelicher: open-mindedness, curiosity, compassion, self-reliance, and courage. It was Fountain Valley's embodiment of these values that drew my family and me to this remarkable school. My wife, Sarah, our daughter Maggie, and I are honored to be part of this intellectual community and are truly fortunate to make our home here at Fountain Valley.

    —— 学校校长:William V. Webb

  • Working with great families from the United States and around the globe to realize the possibility of attending a great boarding school has long been a passion for Kila. For the past eight years, Kila was director of boarding and international students and head of house at Darlington School in Rome, Ga. Prior to her employment at Darlington School, Kila worked at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario, Canada as a recruitment/enrollment officer and at Fulford Academy in Brockville, Ontario, Canada as a placement officer and student counselor.   Kila, her husband, Tim, and children Mack and Marshall feel privileged to live on campus, meeting wonderful families and helping to guide students down the path of boarding school. She values the many relationships she has established throughout the years and is looking forward to meeting many new people at FVS.   Kila enjoys travel, spending time with friends and family, and outdoor activities such as hiking and fly fishing.

    —— 招办主任:Kila McCann


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 科罗拉多州 (Colorado) 临近城市: 丹佛市 (Denver)
具体地址:6155 Fountain Valley School Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80911校园大小: 1,100英亩
成立时间:1,930年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:9-12年级学生人数: 244
学生来自州数:N/A学生来自国家数: N/A
每班人数:N/A寄宿人数: 68%
国际学生: 23% 有色人种: 33%

师生比例:1:5教师高级学位: 90%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):55,000每年走读费用($): 26,400
捐赠数额($):33000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:02/01(月/日)SSAT平均成绩: N/A
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:66%托福送分代码: 8089
SSAT送分代码:3244ISEE送分代码: N/A


Freshmen Five majors—one course each from English, mathematics, history, science and languages Freshman Arts Freshman Transitions—an interdisciplinary course designed to help guide new students through their first year, giving them a foundation for success at FVS. Sophomores Five majors—one course each from English, mathematics, history, science and languages Human Development, if Freshman Transitions not tkaen One arts elective  Juniors Five majors—Each semester, juniors must take a major course in English and at least three other major courses in the following academic areas: history, science, mathematics and languages. Arts and technology major courses may be taken as a fifth major. Seniors Five majors—Fall semester: Seniors must take English and at least three other major courses in the following academic areas: history, mathematics, science and languages. Arts and technology major courses may be taken as a fifth major. Five majors—Spring semester: Seniors take English and at least two other major courses in two different non-arts and non-technology disciplines: history, mathematics, science and languages. Arts and technology major courses may be taken as the fourth and fifth majors. Credits Twenty major course credits are required to graduate. 了解更多:http:// http://www.fvs.edu/gradrequirements


世界历史(World History)          美国历史(United States History)          美国政府与政治(United States Government and Politics)          艺术工作坊:三维设计(Studio Art: 3-D Design)          艺术工作坊:二维设计(Studio Art: 2-D Design)          统计学(Statistics)          西班牙文学(Spanish Literature)          西班牙语(Spanish Language)          物理C:机械学(Phsyics C: Mechanics)          微观经济学(Microeconomics)          宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)          法语(French Language)          环境科学(Environmental Science)          英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition)          英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition)          计算机科学A(Computer Science A)          化学(Chemisrty)          微积分BC(Calculus BC)          微积分AB(Calculus AB)          生物学(Biology)         


单板滑雪(Snowboarding)          攀岩(Rock Climbing)          登山(Mountaineering)          山地自行车(Mountain Biking)          长曲棍球(Lacrosse)          冰球(Ice Hockey)          马术(Equestrian)          潜水(Diving)          越野(Cross Country)          攀登(Climbing)          排球(Volleyball)          田径(Track & Field)          网球(Tennis)          游泳(Swimming)          足球(Soccer)         


宿舍数量 10个(5个女生宿舍,5个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet Vending Machines





传真: 719.390.7762
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  • CO-Fountain Valley School


    【地理位置】位于科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯,占地 1,100 英亩,位于丹佛以南 70 英里(115 公里)处。

    【学校排名】FVS 获得科罗拉多独立学校协会 (ACIS) 的认证,其认证标准得到科罗拉多州教育委员会、全国独立学校协会 (NAIS) 和寄宿学校协会 (TABS) 的正式认可。 

    【特色项目】跨课程、Round Square、全球学者文凭、Interim、ESL课程 

    【艺术项目】Studio Arts、陶艺、摄影、电影制作、表演艺术、乐器、合唱 



    zhuzhukele 点评于2023-05-16 10:29:05





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科罗拉多喷泉谷高中  - Fountain Valley School of Colorado

Fountain Valley School of Colorado,  提供9-12年级(244名学生), 成立于1,930年 ,位于Denver.

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Denver Academy ,  提供K-12年级(370名学生), 成立于1,972年 ,位于Denver.

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Belleview Christian School,  提供K-12年级(277名学生), 成立于1,920年 ,位于Denver.

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Vail Christian School,  提供9-12年级(129名学生), 成立于1,998年 ,位于Denver.

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Vail Mountain School,  提供K-12年级(349名学生), 成立于1,962年 ,位于Denver.

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The Denver Waldorf School,  提供9-12年级(354名学生), 成立于1,938年 ,位于Denver.


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