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    Southwestern Academy的建筑

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    Southwestern Academy的教师讲解

  • Southwestern Academy-西南中学-Southwestern Academy的马术

    Southwestern Academy的马术

  • Southwestern Academy-西南中学-Southwestern Academy的骑马

    Southwestern Academy的骑马

  • Southwestern Academy-西南中学-Southwestern Academy的文艺表演

    Southwestern Academy的文艺表演

  • Southwestern Academy-西南中学-Southwestern Academy的校园

    Southwestern Academy的校园

  • Southwestern Academy-西南中学-Southwestern Academy的音乐演唱

    Southwestern Academy的音乐演唱

  • Southwestern Academy-西南中学-Southwestern Academy的音乐演奏

    Southwestern Academy的音乐演奏

西南中学 男女混校

Southwestern Academy   

西南中学-Logo,Southwestern Academy-logo

西南中学创建于1924年,是一所提供6到12年级课程的男女合校,兼有走读和寄宿生的大学预科学校,以高质量的教学在加利福尼亚州享有很高的声誉。学校的目标是让学生成为终身学习者,思想家和影响21世纪的全球社会的、自我激励的领导人。学校共有两个校区,都充分利用了其地理优势,为学生提供节假日实践和实地考察的机会。同一学校,两个校区,两种学习环境,使得西南中学成为众多学生和家长的首选。学校在教学上采用小班制教学,通常为8到12人一班,这十分有助于更有针对性的辅导学生。教学环境安静且安全,教师们对学生无微不至的关心,使学生可以在校安心学习,快乐成长。   Educating young people for nearly a century, Ojai Valley School is an independent, co-educational boarding and day school for students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Our students benefit from a challenging academic curriculum, dedicated teachers, and extracurricular programs that include athletics, arts and music, equestrian, and outdoor education.

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 6-12,PG年级 | 144 名学生
教学师资: 1:6 的师生比例 | 65% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 加利福尼亚州 (California) | 洛杉矶 (Los Angeles)
学校网站: http://www.southwesternacademy.edu 每年费用: 寄宿 :$43,000      走读 :$18,550
  • Southwestern Academy的环境
  • Southwestern Academy的建筑
  • Southwestern Academy的教师讲解
  • Southwestern Academy的马术
  • Southwestern Academy的骑马
  • Southwestern Academy的文艺表演
  • Southwestern Academy的校园
  • Southwestern Academy的音乐演唱
  • Southwestern Academy的音乐演奏
  • 详细介绍
  • Southwestern Academy offers you something unique and special. It’s more than a place to maximize your learning, explore new interests, develop new talents, and prepare for the college of your choice. It’s also a place where you’ll belong. Our close-knit community of students and teachers provides a warm, supportive environment and personal attention. Maurice Veronda founded Southwestern in 1924 among acres of orange groves in San Marino, California. Forty years later, we added a campus in Rimrock, Arizona in a stunning redrock canyon. For all these years, Southwestern Academy has proudly taught, nurtured, and shaped generations of young people. Today it operates as an independent, non-profit organization under my direction.   Though much has changed at Southwestern Academy during that time, the most important things have remained constant. The caring faculty, enthusiastic staff, and active student life programs help each student find his or her place in our community. Come see for your

    —— 学校校长:Kenneth Veronda

  • We’re looking for intelligent, active young people who are ready to participate in the school’s varied activities and classes. We also welcome your application if you’re not experiencing success or fulfillment in school, but are willing to try to do better work with our support. We accept applications year-round for entrance when space permits. We invite you to find out more about Southwestern Academy. The best way to get to know Southwestern Academy is by visiting. Students and parents can walk the campus, see a class in action, talk to other students, and even visit overnight. To set up an appointment, please call or e-mail us.

    —— 招办主任:Joseph Blake


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 加利福尼亚州 (California) 临近城市: 洛杉矶 (Los Angeles)
具体地址:2800 Monterey Road, San Marino, CA 91108校园大小: 8英亩
成立时间:1,924年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:6-12,PG年级学生人数: 144
学生来自州数:N/A学生来自国家数: N/A
每班人数:9寄宿人数: 75%
国际学生: 52% 有色人种: 15%

师生比例:1:6教师高级学位: 65%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):43,000每年走读费用($): 18,550
捐赠数额($):17000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:N/ASSAT平均成绩: N/A
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:60%托福送分代码: 8098
SSAT送分代码:7430ISEE送分代码: 53161


世界历史(World History)          美国历史(United States History)          物理实验室(Physics Laboratory)          数学(Math)          英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition)          写作(Creative Writing)          微积分(Calculus)         


高尔夫(Golf)          篮球(Basketball)          棒球(Baseball)          足球(Soccer)          排球(Volleyball)         


宿舍数量 6个(2个女生宿舍,4个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Game Room Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet


传真: 626-799-0407





学校 :

热门查询:库欣高中 雅典娜高中 圣玛丽女子高中


雅典娜高中-The Athenian School

The Athenian School,  提供9-12年级(316名学生), 成立于1,965年 ,位于San Francisco.

 圣多米尼克高中-San Domenico School

San Domenico School,  提供9-12年级(183名学生), 成立于1,850年 ,位于San Francisco.

凯特中学-Cate School

Cate School ,  提供9-12年级(270名学生), 成立于1,910年 ,位于Los Angeles.

欧佳谷中学-Ojai Valley School

Ojai Valley School,  提供3-12年级(267名学生), 成立于1,911年 ,位于Los Angeles.

贝赛特山中学-Besant Hill School

Besant Hill School,  提供9-12,PG年级(100名学生), 成立于1,946年 ,位于Los Angeles.

蒙蒂维塔高中-Monte Vista Christian School

Monte Vista Christian School,  提供9-12年级(1,060名学生), 成立于1,926年 ,位于San Francisco.

米德兰中学-Midland School

Midland School,  提供9-12年级(85名学生), 成立于1,932年 ,位于Los Angeles.

西南中学-Southwestern Academy

Southwestern Academy,  提供6-12,PG年级(144名学生), 成立于1,924年 ,位于Los Angeles.

史蒂文森中学-Stevenson School

Stevenson School,  提供9-12年级(728名学生), 成立于1,952年 ,位于San Francisco.

韦伯高中  -The Webb Schools

The Webb Schools,  提供9-12年级(409名学生), 成立于0年 ,位于Los Angeles.


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* 目前教育程度 初中 高中
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