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  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的雕塑

    Linsly School的雕塑

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的教师指导

    Linsly School的教师指导

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的教学模式

    Linsly School的教学模式

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的科学研究

    Linsly School的科学研究

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的课堂

    Linsly School的课堂

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的历史

    Linsly School的历史

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的球队

    Linsly School的球队

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的文艺表演

    Linsly School的文艺表演

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的校园

    Linsly School的校园

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的校园生活

    Linsly School的校园生活

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的学生

    Linsly School的学生

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的学生

    Linsly School的学生

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的运动员

    Linsly School的运动员

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的足球运动员

    Linsly School的足球运动员

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School正在看书的学生

    Linsly School正在看书的学生

  • The Linsly School-林斯立中学-Linsly School的毕业去向

    Linsly School的毕业去向

林斯立中学 男女混校

The Linsly School   

林斯立中学-Logo,The Linsly School-logo

The Linsly School学校建立于1814年,是Allenghenies西部历史最悠久的预科学校之一。到1878年学校限制招收男孩,1887年学校成为一所军事学院,有统一的制服和实行军事管理制度。从1927年开始,学校的学生已经通过了所有的课程,在体育方面也取得了很大的成绩,学校的领导以极大的热情扩大学校规模。在1987年的评议会议以选举的方式改变了学校军事结构,实行以传统的男孩学院预科学校为宗旨。学校继续为俄亥俄河谷地区提供质量的教育,但从1988年开始学校成为一所男女混合学校。学校距离大匹兹堡国际机场只有1小时车程,距离俄亥俄哥伦布机场2小时车程。An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. These wise words spoken by Ben Franklin reflect the firm tradition upon which Linsly was founded in 1814. Students inherit a love for learning from an enthusiastic, inspired faculty who teach a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum. Our 65-acre campus, just one hour from Pittsburgh and two hours from Columbus, provides attractive facilities for diverse athletic and extracurricular activities. The Linsly Outdoor Center offers an experience where students challenge themselves to do things they never thought possible.

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 年级人数: 7-12年级 | 450 名学生
教学师资: 1:10 的师生比例 | 64% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 西弗吉尼亚州 (West Virginia) | 克里夫兰市 (Cleveland)
学校网站: http://www.linsly.org 每年费用: 寄宿 :$33,390      走读 :$16,140
  • Linsly School的雕塑
  • Linsly School的教师指导
  • Linsly School的教学模式
  • Linsly School的科学研究
  • Linsly School的课堂
  • Linsly School的历史
  • Linsly School的球队
  • Linsly School的文艺表演
  • Linsly School的校园
  • Linsly School的校园生活
  • Linsly School的学生
  • Linsly School的学生
  • Linsly School的运动员
  • Linsly School的足球运动员
  • Linsly School正在看书的学生
  • 详细介绍
  • Thank you for your interest in our school. For more than two centuries, Linsly has successfully educated and shaped the lives of thousands of students. If you are exploring Linsly as a prospective student or parent, we hope this website gives you a better understanding of the school and provides insights into the vast opportunities and experiences we offer.  Founded in 1814, the Linsly School is a private, independent day and boarding school for students in grades 5 through 12. Located in Wheeling, West Virginia, we offer a college preparatory curriculum that combines the traditional values of hard work, respect, honor, honesty, and self-discipline within a challenging academic program designed to unlock the potential of each student. 

    —— 学校校长:Justin Zimmerman


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 男女混校
所在州: 西弗吉尼亚州 (West Virginia) 临近城市: 克里夫兰市 (Cleveland)
具体地址:60 Knox Lane, Wheeling, WV 26003校园大小: 65英亩
成立时间:1,814年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:7-12年级学生人数: 450
学生来自州数:20学生来自国家数: 19
每班人数:15寄宿人数: 25%
国际学生: 13% 有色人种: 16%

师生比例:1:10教师高级学位: 64%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):33,390每年走读费用($): 16,140
捐赠数额($):20000000奖学金数额($): N/A


录取截止日期:N/ASSAT平均成绩: N/A
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:N/A托福送分代码: N/A
SSAT送分代码:4655ISEE送分代码: N/A


A full program of college preparatory subjects is offered at Linsly. All students must carry a five course per semester class load (excluding P.E.). Full credit courses meet five times weekly for the entire year. However, there are certain half-credit courses which meet three times weekly for a year, or every day for a semester. Twenty credits are required for graduation and must include the following minimums: 4 years of English 4 years of mathematics 3 years of history 3 years of world language 3 years of science (2 laboratory sciences) Physical Education - 5 PE points, acquired through PE electives after 9th grade or participation in athletics 1 course of art appreciation, 1 course of music appreciation, plus one additional fine arts elective of the student's choice 1 course of computer science Completion of Senior Research Essay (see below) Note: Only those credits earned in grades 9-12 may be counted towards graduation. Note: To be eligible for Valedictorian, a senior must have completed a minimum of three years at Linsly. 了解更多:http://www.linsly.org/Page/Academics/Graduation-Requirements


心理学(Psychology)          美国历史(United States History)          物理B(Physics B)          物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism)          拉丁语(Latin)          计算机科学AB(Computer Science AB)          英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition)          英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition)          人类地理学(Human Geography)          微积分BC(Calculus BC)          计算机科学A(Computer Science A)          生物学(Biology)          微积分AB(Calculus AB)         


摔跤(Wrestling)          排球(Volleyball)          田径(Track & Field)          网球(Tennis)          游泳(Swimming)          攀岩(Rock Climbing)          垒球(Softball)          足球(Soccer)          长曲棍球(Lacrosse)          冰球(Ice Hockey)          高尔夫(Golf)          潜水(Diving)          橄榄球(Football)          啦啦队(Cheerleading)          越野(Cross Country)          攀登(Climbing)          篮球(Basketball)          棒球(Baseball)         






传真: 304-234-4614





学校 :

热门查询:库欣高中 雅典娜高中 圣玛丽女子高中


林斯立中学-The Linsly School

The Linsly School,  提供7-12年级(450名学生), 成立于1,814年 ,位于Cleveland.


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* 目前教育程度 初中 高中
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