学校类型: | 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 | 年级人数: | 9-12年级 | 185 名学生 |
教学师资: | 1:6 的师生比例 | 65% 的教师高级学位 | 州及城市: | 威斯康星州 (Wisconsin) | 密尔沃基市 (Milwaukee) |
学校网站: | http://www.wayland.org | 每年费用: | 寄宿 :$48,776 走读 :$17,910 |
学校类型: | 大学预备 | 性别类型: | 男女混校 |
所在州: | 威斯康星州 (Wisconsin) | 临近城市: | 密尔沃基市 (Milwaukee) |
具体地址: | 101 North University, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 | 校园大小: | 55英亩 |
成立时间: | 1,855年 | 宗教信仰: | N/A |
年级提供: | 9-12年级 | 学生人数: | 185 |
学生来自州数: | N/A | 学生来自国家数: | N/A |
每班人数: | 13 | 寄宿人数: | 75% |
国际学生: | 32% | 有色人种: | 51% |
师生比例: | 1:6 | 教师高级学位: | 65% |
SAT平均分: | 1680 | 暑期课程: | 无 |
ESL课程: | 有 | 大学预备年级: | 无 |
每年寄宿费用($): | 48,776 | 每年走读费用($): | 17,910 |
捐赠数额($): | 11000000 | 奖学金数额($): | N/A |
录取截止日期: | N/A | SSAT平均成绩: | N/A |
申请人数: | N/A | 关于面试: | N/A |
托福要求: | 有 | SSAT要求: | 有 |
录取率: | 61% | 托福送分代码: | 8028 |
SSAT送分代码: | 8056 | ISEE送分代码: | N/A |
Diploma Requirements Students complete a minimum of 19 credits in the following areas to receive a diploma. English – 4 credits (English 1, 2, 3, 4) Mathematics – 3 credits (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2) Science – 3 credits (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Social Studies/History – 3 credits (US History, a non-US history course, 1 additional credit) Modern and Classical Language – 3 credits (Successful completion of 2 consecutive years of Spanish or German AND Latin 1 OR 3 consecutive years of Latin) Fine Arts – 1 credit in a combination of Fine Arts courses Athletics/AAP – 4 years of participation Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 5 academic classes each semester. Students enroll in Fine Arts classes in addition to the minimum requirement. All students participate in athletics/AAP each season during the school year. 了解更多:http://www.wayland.org/academics/requirements.aspx
美国政府与政策(U.S.Government and Politics) 美国历史(United States History) 西班牙语(Spanish Language) 统计学(Statistics) 德语(German Language) 拉丁语(Latin) 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) 微观经济学(Microeconomics) 物理C:机械学(Phsyics C: Mechanics) 欧洲历史(European History) 英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition) 英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition) 生物学(Biology) 微积分AB(Calculus AB) 微积分BC(Calculus BC) 化学(Chemisrty) |
排球(Volleyball) 田径(Track & Field) 网球(Tennis) 垒球(Softball) 游泳(Swimming) 足球(Soccer) 冰球(Ice Hockey) 高尔夫(Golf) 橄榄球(Football) 陆上曲棍球(Field Hockey) 舞蹈(Dance) 越野(Cross Country) 啦啦队(Cheerleading) 篮球(Basketball) 棒球(Baseball) |
Wayland's commitment to a creative, comprehensive college preparatory education has led us to develop our latest curricular advancement: STEAM. A collaborative interdisciplinary program that combines science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics and enhance students' problem solving and critical thinking skills, STEAM will kick off this fall with its first course offering, Intro to Robotics & Design, and the inauguration of the competitive extracurricular Robotics Club. As students progress in this pre-engineering program, they'll have even more opportunites to expand their knowlege with courses in Structure & Design, Manufacturing, Graphic Design and advanced STEAM II concentrations. STEAM was made possible by the innovative cooperation between faculty members, industry leaders, alumni and all those who contributed financially to the start of the program at the Spring Gala & Auction or on their own. Wayland appreciates all the hard work and generousity that has gone into providing this invaluable opportunity!
电子邮箱: | kboucher@wayland.org |
电话: | 800-860-7725 |
传真: |
Wayland Academy, 提供9-12年级(185名学生), 成立于1,855年 ,位于Milwaukee.
Assumption High School, 提供9-12年级(186名学生), 成立于1,952年 ,位于Milwaukee.
Columbus Catholic High School, 提供9-12年级(130名学生), 成立于1,952年 ,位于Minneapolis.
Sheboygan Lutheran High School, 提供9-12年级(213名学生), 成立于1,978年 ,位于Milwaukee.
McDonell Central Catholic High School, 提供7-12年级(243名学生), 成立于1,885年 ,位于Minneapolis.
Newman Catholic Middle and High Schools, 提供6-12年级(272名学生), 成立于1,951年 ,位于Minneapolis.
Pacelli High School, 提供9-12年级(217名学生), 成立于1,955年 ,位于Milwaukee.
Regis Catholic School, 提供9-12年级(253名学生), 成立于1,914年 ,位于Minneapolis.
Rock County Christian, 提供6-12年级(152名学生), 成立于1,985年 ,位于Milwaukee.
Valley Christian High School, 提供K-12年级(208名学生), 成立于1,974年 ,位于Milwaukee.
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