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米斯波特高中 女校

Miss Porter's School   

米斯波特高中 -Logo,Miss Porter's School -logo

波特女子高中建于1843年,是一所女子学校,获康涅狄格州私立学校联合会、新英格兰学校联合会、美国寄宿学校联合会,以及康涅狄格州教育部认证。课堂教学是学校的核心,在课堂上,学生将体验兴奋、能量、试验的自由、激烈的争辩、沉默的思考和欢笑,课堂中的交互发生在学生与学生之间,学生与老师之间。学校有着严谨的治学氛围,同时非常注重同学间及师生间良好关系的建立,无论是聚餐或是学校会议,学生们都乐于参与和投入其中。作为女子学校,学校比较注重学生艺术方面的培养。学校的特点是活力、纪律和关系。 更多:  Founded in 1843, Porter’s excels at preparing young women for college, for leadership and for life. A boarding and day school for students in grades nine through 12, Porter’s offers a challenging academic curriculum and a diverse residential community of scholars, athletes, artists and friends. With 322 students hailing from 23 states and representing 27 countries, Porter’s dynamic approach to education inspires young women to become informed, bold, resourceful and ethical global citizens. Porter’s mission statement sets high expectations: “We expect our graduates to shape a changing world.” Students enthusiastically accept this challenge with the assistance of faculty members who serve as educators, advisers, coaches and mentors. At Porter's, young women develop high levels of achievement in mathematics, foreign languages, science, history, English, and the arts by being challenged to think independently, ask questions, debate theories and share ideas. Porter’s rigorous academic program, collaborative environment and supportive community prepares students for college and beyond. 

学校类型: 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 女校 年级人数: 9-12年级 | 320 名学生
教学师资: 1:7 的师生比例 | 59% 的教师高级学位 州及城市: 康涅狄格州 (Connecticut) | 纽约 (New York)
学校网站: http://www.porters.org/ 每年费用: 寄宿 :$52,475      走读 :$42,055
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  • Miss Porter's School的运动员
  • 详细介绍
  • Since 1843, Miss Porter's School has partnered tradition with innovation to provide a superior education to young women. Miss Porter's School advocates intellectual curiosity, champions personal excellence, and prioritizes the relationships between students, faculty and Ancients. Our community of scholars, artists, athletes and friends flourishes within an environment of mutual respect, understanding and encouragement. Sarah Porter said of her students, “They came as girls; they left as women.” The same is true of today's Porter's students. Inspired by our legacy and bound together by their experiences in Farmington, our accomplished alumnae shape a changing world. I invite you to visit campus to meet the bold, resourceful, ethical global citizens that comprise our student body and to experience the Miss Porter's School of today. I look forward to welcoming you.

    —— 学校校长:Katherine G. Windsor

  • Union College - B.A. University of Pennsylvania - M.Ed.

    —— 招办主任:Elizabeth Schmitt


学校类型:大学预备性别类型: 女校
所在州: 康涅狄格州 (Connecticut) 临近城市: 纽约 (New York)
具体地址:60 Main Street, Farmington, CT 06032校园大小: 50英亩
成立时间:1,843年 宗教信仰: N/A


年级提供:9-12年级学生人数: 320
学生来自州数:23学生来自国家数: 27
每班人数:12寄宿人数: 65%
国际学生: 16% 有色人种: 23%

师生比例:1:7教师高级学位: 59%
ESL课程: 大学预备年级:


每年寄宿费用($):52,475每年走读费用($): 42,055
捐赠数额($):110000000奖学金数额($): 3600000


录取截止日期:01/15(月/日)SSAT平均成绩: 68%
托福要求: SSAT要求:
录取率:28%托福送分代码: 8606
SSAT送分代码:5122ISEE送分代码: 70210


Graduation Requirements  Porter's expects the following from students in order to be eligible for a Miss Porter's School diploma:  Completion of unit, course, and program requirements as stated below. Attendance on campus during the entire senior year. Attainment of passing grades in all courses during the senior year. Unit Requirements and Course Load  Each student must take at least 4 one-unit courses each semester and earn at least 9 units each year. In general, ½-unit courses meet two periods a week for one semester; 1-unit courses meet four or five periods a week for one semester; and 2-unit courses meet four to six periods a week for two semesters. The standard Porter's course load is 5-6 units per semester. A student may take more than 6 units in a semester only with the permission of her advisor and the Academic Office. 了解更多:http://www.porters.org/Page/Learn/Academics/Graduation-Requirements


A. Letter grades are given in all courses. The numerical equivalents are as follows:  A+ 97–100 A 93–96 A- 90–92 B+ 87–89 B 83–86 B- 80–82 C+ 77–79 C 73–76 C- 70–72 D+ 67–69 D 63–66 D- 60–62 E below 60 The lowest passing mark is D-.  A weighted cumulative GPA is calculated on a four-point scale for inclusion with transcripts sent to colleges. Grades earned in AP courses are adjusted with an additional 0.5 points. The GPA includes only those grades earned at Porter's. 了解更多:http://www.porters.org/Page/Learn/Academics#


艺术工作坊:绘画(Studio Art: Drawing)          美国历史(United States History)          统计学(Statistics)          西班牙文学(Spanish Literature)          西班牙语(Spanish Language)          心理学(Psychology)          物理B(Physics B)          乐理(Music Theory)          拉丁语:维吉尔(Latin: Vergil)          拉丁文学(Latin Literature)          法国文学(French Literature)          法语(French Language)          欧洲历史(European History)          环境科学(Environmental Science)          计算机科学A(Computer Science A)          中文与文化(Chinese Language and Culture)          化学(Chemistry)          微积分BC(Calculus BC)          化学(Chemisrty)          微积分AB(Calculus AB)          生物学(Biology)          艺术史(Art History)         


游泳(Swimming)          网球(Tennis)          田径(Track & Field)          极限飞碟(Ultimate Frisbee)          壁球(Squash)          垒球(Softball)          马术(Equestrian)          陆上曲棍球(Field Hockey)          高尔夫(Golf)          长曲棍球(Lacrosse)          足球(Soccer)          篮球(Basketball)          划船(Crew)          越野(Cross Country)          高山滑雪(Alpine Skiing)          羽毛球(Badminton)          排球(Volleyball)         


宿舍数量 8个(8个女生宿舍,0个男生宿舍)


了解更多: http://www.porters.org/Page/Learn/College-Counseling/College-Matriculation-List


传真: 860-409-3531





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米斯波特高中 -Miss Porter's School

Miss Porter's School ,  提供9-12年级(320名学生), 成立于1,843年 ,位于New York.

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