肯特高中建于1906年,是一所独立的、男女合校寄宿中学,位于康涅狄格州的西北部阿巴拉契亚山间小道与豪萨托尼河之间。学校的学习气氛活跃,学校不仅培养学生的学习能力,今后能胜任大学的学习,更培养学生正确的人生观。学校为学生设置了多门大学先修课程(AP),帮助他们进入理想中的大学,并且立志把学生培养成有领导力、独立能力、富有同情心的社会新人。更多: Kent is a co-ed college preparatory school founded in 1906 in the tradition of the Episcopal Church. Located in northwestern Connecticut, the School offers boys and girls a rigorous and interesting academic program in a boarding environment. 560 boarding and day students from more than 40 countries and nearly as many states enjoy the excellent academic programs, enriching offerings in the arts, competitive athletic teams and spirited student body. Kent prepares young people for the most prestigious colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad.
学校类型: | 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 | 年级人数: | 9-12年级 | 570 名学生 |
教学师资: | 1:1 的师生比例 | 63% 的教师高级学位 | 州及城市: | 康涅狄格州 (Connecticut) | 纽约 (New York) |
学校网站: | http://www.kent-school.edu/ | 每年费用: | 寄宿 :$54,300 走读 :$42,600 |
—— 学校校长:Richardson W. Schell
—— 招办主任:Sarah Gleason Ross
学校类型: | 大学预备 | 性别类型: | 男女混校 |
所在州: | 康涅狄格州 (Connecticut) | 临近城市: | 纽约 (New York) |
具体地址: | 康涅狄格州 PO Box 2006,Kent, CT 06757 | 校园大小: | 1,200英亩 |
成立时间: | 1,906年 | 宗教信仰: | 新教圣公会 (Episcopal) |
年级提供: | 9-12年级 | 学生人数: | 570 |
学生来自州数: | 35 | 学生来自国家数: | 40 |
每班人数: | 12 | 寄宿人数: | 91% |
国际学生: | 29% | 有色人种: | 13% |
师生比例: | 1:1 | 教师高级学位: | 63% |
SAT平均分: | N/A | 暑期课程: | 有 |
ESL课程: | 有 | 大学预备年级: | 有 |
每年寄宿费用($): | 54,300 | 每年走读费用($): | 42,600 |
捐赠数额($): | 62000000 | 奖学金数额($): | 8200000 |
录取截止日期: | 01/15(月/日) | SSAT平均成绩: | 70% |
申请人数: | N/A | 关于面试: | N/A |
托福要求: | 有 | SSAT要求: | 有 |
录取率: | 39% | 托福送分代码: | 8039 |
SSAT送分代码: | 4336 | ISEE送分代码: | N/A |
In order to receive a diploma, each student must meet both credit and course requirements for graduation. The number of credits required varies with the form (3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th) in which a student enters Kent. Entering Year Credits Required 3rd form 18 4th form 13 5th form 9 6th form 4 There are two types of courses at Kent. Major courses meet daily, some with an extra lab period, some with an omit day. Minor courses meet less often, generally three or four times in each sixday rotation. The course load for students is five major courses, with the required minor courses generally added in the 4th form year. Each major year-long course counts as 1 credit. Each major term-contained course counts as 1/3 credit. Each minor term-contained course counts as 1/6 credit. The courses required are: • English - each term, every year • History - a minimum of two years, one of which must be United States History in the 5th or 6th form year • Language - either classical or modern, through the Kent third-year level • Mathematics - through Algebra 2 & Trigonometry or the 5th form year (whichever is later) • Science, a minimum of two year-long laboratory sciences • Theology - Two courses: a minor in the 4th form year and a major term-contained course in the 5th or 6th form year* • Art & Music - Minor courses in both art and music, usually taken in the 4th form year* All 3rd form and new 4th form students take the New Student Seminar. Students entering in the
美国历史(United States History) 艺术工作坊:绘画(Studio Art: Drawing) 美国政府与政治(United States Government and Politics) 艺术工作坊:三维设计(Studio Art: 3-D Design) 艺术工作坊:二维设计(Studio Art: 2-D Design) 统计学(Statistics) 西班牙文学(Spanish Literature) 物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism) 心理学(Psychology) 西班牙语(Spanish Language) 微观经济学(Microeconomics) 物理C:机械学(Phsyics C: Mechanics) 法语(French Language) 拉丁语:维吉尔(Latin: Vergil) 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) 欧洲历史(European History) 环境科学(Environmental Science) 计算机科学A(Computer Science A) 英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition) 化学(Chemistry) 化学(Chemisrty) 微积分BC(Calculus BC) 微积分AB(Calculus AB) 生物学(Biology) |
网球(Tennis) 长曲棍球(Lacrosse) 山地自行车(Mountain Biking) 足球(Soccer) 垒球(Softball) 壁球(Squash) 游泳(Swimming) 冰球(Ice Hockey) 高尔夫(Golf) 马术(Equestrian) 橄榄球(Football) 越野(Cross Country) 舞蹈(Dance) 潜水(Diving) 篮球(Basketball) 划船(Crew) 棒球(Baseball) |
The Hotchkiss School, 提供9-12年级(598名学生), 成立于1,891年 ,位于New York.
Canterbury School , 提供9-12,PG年级(350名学生), 成立于1,915年 ,位于New York.
Kent School , 提供9-12年级(570名学生), 成立于1,906年 ,位于New York.
Miss Porter's School , 提供9-12年级(320名学生), 成立于1,843年 ,位于New York.
The Taft School, 提供9-12,PG年级(596名学生), 成立于1,890年 ,位于New York.
Suffield Academy, 提供9-12,PG年级(415名学生), 成立于1,833年 ,位于New York.
Cheshire Academy , 提供8-12,PG年级(396名学生), 成立于1,794年 ,位于New York.
Westover School, 提供9-12年级(205名学生), 成立于1,909年 ,位于New York.
The Gunnery School, 提供9-12,PG年级(288名学生), 成立于1,850年 ,位于New York.
Choate Rosemary Hall School, 提供9-12,PG年级(865名学生), 成立于1,890年 ,位于New York.
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