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Westminster School,创建于1888年,学校获新英格兰独立学校联合会及美国寄宿制学校联合会认证。主要针对9-12年级的学生招生。学校占地200英亩,俯瞰风光秀丽的法明顿河谷,与哈特福德北部有13英里,到纽约和波士顿也只有2小时车程。威斯敏斯特中学推崇小班制,每个班级的平均学生人数为12名,师生比例约为1:5。学校努力提供一个关心他人,和谐相处的校园氛围,在发展学生的学业以外,还注重对学生个性,人格,能力等多方面的培养,学校设有各类体育,艺术活动,可以充分发挥学生的个性,还注重对学生领导才能的培养。 威斯敏斯特学校是一所十分优秀的大学预备中学,也是全美最好的小型寄宿学校之一。学校历史悠久,校风严谨,以严格的学术要求而闻名。除了智力教育,学校还注重于培养学生的领导力、正直感、相互尊重、宽容和团队精神,并且提倡学生多参与艺术和体育活动,发现并发展更多的个人潜能。学校提供具有挑战性的学术课程,重视传统的文科基础,帮助学生迈向学术成功,同时教给他们热爱学习这个受益一生的习惯。 更多: Offering a large and diverse program in an intimate, small-school setting, Westminster is a community where people know, understand and care about each other. Students balance a rigorous academic schedule which includes college-preparatory, honors and 24 AP offerings with broad and deep athletic, artistic and extracurricular programs. In addition to the outstanding involvement to which students eagerly commit themselves, family-style meals, student-led assembly and chapel, and numerous opportunities for leadership and teamwork instill a strong sense of character.
学校类型: | 寄宿中学 | 大学预备 | 男女混校 | 年级人数: | 9-12,PG年级 | 393 名学生 |
教学师资: | 1:5 的师生比例 | 70% 的教师高级学位 | 州及城市: | 康涅狄格州 (Connecticut) | 纽约 (New York) |
学校网站: | http://www.westminster-school.org/ | 每年费用: | 寄宿 :$54,000 走读 :$40,500 |
—— 学校校长:William V. N. Philip
学校类型: | 大学预备 | 性别类型: | 男女混校 |
所在州: | 康涅狄格州 (Connecticut) | 临近城市: | 纽约 (New York) |
具体地址: | 995 Hopmeadow Street,Simsbury, CT 06070 | 校园大小: | 200英亩 |
成立时间: | 1,888年 | 宗教信仰: | N/A |
年级提供: | 9-12,PG年级 | 学生人数: | 393 |
学生来自州数: | 23 | 学生来自国家数: | 17 |
每班人数: | 12 | 寄宿人数: | 69% |
国际学生: | 11% | 有色人种: | 15% |
师生比例: | 1:5 | 教师高级学位: | 70% |
SAT平均分: | 1926 | 暑期课程: | 有 |
ESL课程: | 无 | 大学预备年级: | 有 |
每年寄宿费用($): | 54,000 | 每年走读费用($): | 40,500 |
捐赠数额($): | 91000000 | 奖学金数额($): | N/A |
录取截止日期: | 01/15(月/日) | SSAT平均成绩: | 70% |
申请人数: | 1090 | 关于面试: | N/A |
托福要求: | 有 | SSAT要求: | 有 |
录取率: | 25% | 托福送分代码: | 8486 |
SSAT送分代码: | 8134 | ISEE送分代码: | N/A |
RANK IN CLASS After carefully looking at the effects of ranking on Westminster graduates, it was felt that ranking did not take into consideration the competitive nature of our school, of our academic programs, and the particular programs elected by our students. Therefore as a school policy, Westminster does not rank beyond the top ten students based on junior and senior year grades. Along with your application, we send our profile, which contains a grade distribution (from fifth form year), so that colleges can compare you to your classmates within the specific core courses you have taken.了解更多:http://www.westminster-school.org/page/Academics/College-Counseling/College-Process
艺术工作坊:绘画(Studio Art: Drawing) 美国历史(United States History) 艺术工作坊:二维设计(Studio Art: 2-D Design) 西班牙语(Spanish Language) 西班牙文学(Spanish Literature) 统计学(Statistics) 物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism) 微观经济学(Microeconomics) 乐理(Music Theory) 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) 拉丁语(Latin) 法语(French Language) 英国文学与作文(English Literature and Composition) 欧洲历史(European History) 计算机科学A(Computer Science A) 英语语言和作文(English Language and Composition) 比较政府与政治(Comparative Government and Politics) 微积分BC(Calculus BC) 化学(Chemisrty) 中文(Chinese) 生物学(Biology) 微积分AB(Calculus AB) 艺术史(Art History) |
田径(Track & Field) 网球(Tennis) 游泳(Swimming) 壁球(Squash) 垒球(Softball) 冰球(Ice Hockey) 长曲棍球(Lacrosse) 足球(Soccer) 高尔夫(Golf) 橄榄球(Football) 舞蹈(Dance) 潜水(Diving) 陆上曲棍球(Field Hockey) 越野(Cross Country) 篮球(Basketball) 棒球(Baseball) |
study abroad:Students may choose to study abroad during their Fifth or Sixth Form years. Westminster students accepted by the prestigious School Year Abroad program experience yearlong study and travel in China, France, Italy or Spain. Another option for studying abroad is available through the equally prestigious English Speaking Union. Available to Westminster graduates in the year following graduation, the program allows a year of study and travel in the United Kingdom. Advice on these programs is offered through the Academic Office and admission is gained solely through the programs’ respective application processes. WHOLE:These courses are not offered for credit but will rather reengage students in subject material in the middle of the summer and build on their skills and comprehension of material before the next year begins. The virtual class will be much like a tutorial, in that the students will have individualized attention from the WHOLE faculty members as well as share in on-line group sessions. We are limiting class sizes in order to maintain low student:teacher ratios and to insure that each student can move through the WHOLE course at his or her appropriate pace. Parents will receive feedback from WHOLE teachers in the form of a summative assessment of their work as well as reminders if the student is not meeting the course expectations. 了解更多:http://www.westminster-school.org/Page/Academics/WHOLE-Program
宿舍数量 6个(3个女生宿舍,3个男生宿舍) 宿舍设施 Game Room Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet Vending Machines Student Center, Store, Cafe
电子邮箱: | admission@westminster-school.org |
电话: | 413-229-1003 |
传真: | 413-229-1016 |
The Hotchkiss School, 提供9-12年级(598名学生), 成立于1,891年 ,位于New York.
Canterbury School , 提供9-12,PG年级(350名学生), 成立于1,915年 ,位于New York.
Kent School , 提供9-12年级(570名学生), 成立于1,906年 ,位于New York.
Miss Porter's School , 提供9-12年级(320名学生), 成立于1,843年 ,位于New York.
The Taft School, 提供9-12,PG年级(596名学生), 成立于1,890年 ,位于New York.
Suffield Academy, 提供9-12,PG年级(415名学生), 成立于1,833年 ,位于New York.
Cheshire Academy , 提供8-12,PG年级(396名学生), 成立于1,794年 ,位于New York.
Westover School, 提供9-12年级(205名学生), 成立于1,909年 ,位于New York.
The Gunnery School, 提供9-12,PG年级(288名学生), 成立于1,850年 ,位于New York.
Choate Rosemary Hall School, 提供9-12,PG年级(865名学生), 成立于1,890年 ,位于New York.
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